
Photo Contest

We are thrilled to announce the start of our 2024 Annual Photo Contest! This year, we have three exciting categories for you to showcase your talent: Land, Livestock, and People. Each participant can submit only one entry per category, and you must be an Iowa resident to enter. Contest Details: Categories: Land, Livestock, and People...

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Good Farm Neighbor Award

NOMINATE A FARMER Since 2003, the Wergin Good Farm Neighbor Award has recognized 156 Iowa livestock farmers who go above and beyond as environmental stewards, animal caretakers and community leaders.   NOMINEES MUST MEET FOUR CRITERIA Family operation Active in their community Produce livestock or poultry to the highest animal care standards Dedicated to conservation and/or...

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Green Farmstead Partner Program

Are you a farmer wanting to incorporate windbreaks on your farm? The Green Farmstead Partner program can help you out! Thanks to the help of Trees Forever and the Iowa Nursery and Landscape Association, we are able to provide this program to farmers across the state of Iowa.

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