Through the Gate // December 2024

01-13-2025 in Through The Gate

Are you ready for a DNR inspection?

CSIF Executive Director Brian Waddingham says inspections are on the rise, and it’s important to know not only the rules and regulations, but your rights.


“With an increased focus on water quality, the DNR is more active and attentive than ever,” says Waddingham. “Farmers want to be in compliance, and we’re here to help make sure they are, and to help before the inspection process begins.”


Waddingham says in the past few months they have received calls from farmers wanting to build or grow, only to find their existing facilities are no longer in compliance. “Many times, the problem is a small issue, and not directly related to water quality,” he says. “But farmers need to make sure they are in compliance with the 250-plus pages of current rules and regulations, which can and do change.”


Waddingham sees six common areas to be aware of:

Separation to water sources. This includes wells, creeks and rivers and even grassed waterways.

Separation from neighbors. Separation distances have been adjusted through the years. If you have more than 500 animal units in confinement, you must meet separation from neighbors.

Counting animal units. Animal units are different from the literal number of animals and depend on the type and species of animal. Different species of animals are counted together when raised in similar housing systems.

Soil types. Karst soil types are extremely porous and have garnered much attention lately, especially in Northeast Iowa where they are common. Some activist groups are specifically targeting this area. Before starting construction on a new livestock facility, you need to check for karst soil. You must also check to see if your proposed livestock barn is in the flood plain. Building livestock facilities in a flood plain is prohibited.

Manure management plans. If you have more than 500 animal units in confinement, you need a manure management plan. These plans need to be updated annually.

Manure applicator license. Do you need one? If you have more than 500 animal units in confinement and you apply your own manure, you do.

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CSIF Conference Provided Financing Strategies for Livestock Farmers

On November 21, the Coalition to Support Iowa’s Farmers hosted its 19th Farming for the Future conference. More than 225 people attended the conference looking for assistance to put up their first livestock barn or to grow their current livestock farm.

The annual event is a chance for farmers, especially young farmers, to garner first-hand information crucial to developing their livestock operations in a responsible, sustainable way.

It’s only one of the many ways CSIF communicates with farmers, educating them on the latest industry trends and Iowa environmental and production issues.

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Good Farm Neighbor Award

Tim and Amanda Arthur Family

Multi-generational Fayette County farm family has a long history of community involvement and leadership.

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Industry News & Updates

Iowa Farm Bureau members gather for 106th Annual Meeting and County Leadership Conference

Members of Iowa’s largest general farm organization gathered at the Community Choice Credit Union Convention Center in Des Moines this week to celebrate the achievements of 100 county Farm Bureaus, young farmer award winners and receive expert insight on key topics and issues shaping agriculture today.

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Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza Detected in Sioux, Worth and Monona County Flocks

The Iowa Department of Agriculture and Land Stewardship and the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service (APHIS) have detected three cases of Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza (H5N1 HPAI) within Iowa. The cases include a commercial layer flock in Sioux County, a commercial turkey flock in Worth County, and a backyard mixed species flock in Monona County. Iowa has now had 11 detections of H5N1 HPAI within poultry in 2024.

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