CSIF Tips of the Month – December 2014

12-04-2014 in Through The Gate

Rules and Regulations Highlight

Precautions Needed with Manure Application

Even though the cold temperatures arrived early this year, it is still possible to apply manure with a few precautions and common sense.

The rules restricting application on snow-covered ground (defined as soil having one inch or more of snow cover or one-half inch or more of ice cover) don’t kick in until Dec. 21. However, if manure can be injected or incorporated, it can still be land applied. From Feb. 1 to April 1, liquid manure can’t be applied on frozen ground (defined as impenetrable due to frozen soil moisture but does not include soil that is frozen to a depth of two inches or less).

These frozen and snow-covered ground restrictions apply to liquid manure from confinement barns with over 500 animal units. (This law does not apply to manure from open feedlots or dry manure.) Always be sure to follow your manure management plan, master matrix and permit conditions.

No matter the size of farm or type of manure, Iowa law requires manure to be applied in a way that protects water quality and meets separation distances.

For more detailed information about winter manure application, refer to this fact sheetfrom the Iowa Pork Producers Association and this one from the Iowa Farm Bureau.


Making a Splash: Aquaculture Video Available

The opportunities in Iowa’s livestock industry abound. And CSIF is proud to offer resources to help livestock farmers identify and learn more about new ways for them to be successful on the farm.

Recently, CSIF held the first-of-its-kind Iowa Aquaculture Conference. Video from that conference is now available at www.supportfarmers.com/aquaculture.

“There are many opportunities in the Iowa livestock industry today and fish have just been added to that list,” CSIF Executive Director Brian Waddingham said. “The first step for farmers interested in aquaculture is determining if fish farming is the right business opportunity for their family. The resources offered in the videos will help them do just that.”

To learn more, click here.


Farmgate Quotables

“The Coalition is a one-stop source for our customers to get accurate information about regulations and opportunities in the livestock sector that benefit all of Iowa. It’s really easy for Accu-Steel to support the Coalition because it is a group of people doing things right.” – Jason Owen, Accu-Steel Covered Buildings

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